Up Early

I am up early today, well early considering the fact, the kids and I no longer have to wake up to an alarm clock. The house is nice and quiet the kiddos are still sleeping. Only noise outside my window is the roosters, and birds . My mind has been racing, with so many thoughts, in a couple days we fly out for the summer.
I can't help but think how this feels like it all has come full circle.
 While I grew up, I can remember the excitement of our trips, to come visit my, grandparents, here on the island. My grandfather, always said, he was up at the crack of dawn, waitng for us to arrive. He was excited, how could he not be, he was waiting for his daughter, his son in law, and his grandchildren.
 He would go to all lengths to make sure everything was perfect for us, even the careful raising of the Azorean flag, out on the front porch. These memories have stayed with me forever. Arriving at their home very early in the morning, meeting our aunts and uncles. Meeting the cousins for the first time, and waiting a whole of five minutes ,before we started to play together, and making friendships that would last a lifetime.

Our trips were quite frequent to the island, to this I owe my parents a mountain of gratitude. It was with great sacrifice, that they flew the six of us  out here everytime we visited.  Every single one of those trips has stayed with me, the people, the sounds, the tastes, the smells, every nook and cranny of my memory, is flooded with the warmth and love we always encountered on those trips.

Now so many years later, my parents are preparing for our arrival, they will be waitng for me, and my family. They are the grandparents now, I am now in my mother's place, taking my children home, to meet their aunts, uncles, and cousins. This is a trip to make new memories, new bonds. I can only hope that for my children, this will be a special time for them, a time they will take with them to wherever it is they may go, in their lives.  My journey to this island, that started so many years ago, even as a little girl, then moving and living here, getting married, having children, has now come full circle. That to me is truly amazing, and a blessing.

Amelie~ La Noyee



  1. Your writing is an inspiration for me. The way you describe events and especially feelings is delicious. Your're definately a WRITER.

  2. Oh my goodness Patrícia, obrigada, que palavras meigas :) Bjo Diana

  3. Concordo com a Patrícia, Diana. Os teus textos são de uma ternura imensa. Espero que esta viagem seja mesmo especial. Um beijo muito grande.


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