Mascarpone Stuffed Strawberries

Please don't hate me,  we picked a ton of strawberries from our garden today, here is yet another strawberry recipe. Sorry ;)

15-20 strawberries, chilled
1 package mascarpone cheese
2 Tablespoon confectioners/icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Wash and dry strawberries. Remove leaves and use a small knife to make an X-shaped cut across the bottom of each berry. Using your thumb carefully pull appart tips to create space for filling. 
In a bowl, wisk together mascarpone cheese, sugar and vanilla until fully blended together. Scoop contents into a ziplock bag and snip off a small corner to make a disposable pastry bag.
Gently squeeze the stuffing into each strawberry . If you wish top with a sprinkle of chocolate shavings, even just garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon for color.
These are addicting, please don't say I didn't warn you ;)

Enjoy,xo Diana


  1. Não diria ódio, mas inveja... Também quero delícias dessas no meu quintal!!!

  2. :O) para o ano que vem,quando for altura de comprar os morangeiros, eu aviso, é facil, facil.....e o Manuel vai adorar :) bjo Di

  3. Que ricos e apetitosos morangos Diana, já imagino a delicia e com esse creme hummmm, uma tentação,



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