Beef Stir-Fry

This stir fry, is very versatile, you could use, pork or chicken in place of beef. You could add all sorts of veggies, and the spices you could change around as well. Stir-fry is pretty much a mix and match of sorts, according to what you and your family like. So here goes....

1/2 kilo beef (stroganoff cut from butcher), red pepper, snow peas
onions,soy sauce, garlic powder,black pepper, noodles

marinate beef with soy sauce,pepper and garlic powder ( you could use other
spices-ginger,chili pepper etc...) 20 minutes time is great, 1 hour
is better :)

chop up your veggies get them ready to go, all at the same time

add your veggies to a very hot pan, with some oil in it , just enough
to coat the pan, now stir those veggies around, I like my veggies very
crunchy, so they are not in for that long

next saute the beef, also in a very hot pan, and in small batches

put beef and veggies to the side (you could serve this with rice
and you would be all done )

add some water to the pan, you used, and bring it to a boil (there is lots of
flavor in this pan) when it comes to a boil add the noodles

cook noodles just under 3 minutes

drain the noodles


add the veggies and beef to the noodles

and serve :)

Enjoy, and have a great weekend, Diana :)


  1. Tem um belíssimo aspeto. É curioso, nunca vi ervilhas tortas à venda cá. Onde as compras?

  2. Ola Ilidia, encontrei no hiper de Angra, juro que dei pulos de alegria !!!! O ano passado cultivamos na nossa horta, são uma delicia :)


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