Strawberry Smoothie

In our backyard, we have a very big garden area, where we grow our own veggies. Last year we decided to put in a strawberry patch. It has been amazing to see how many strawberries grow from each little plant. We have been picking strawberries, since April, every day a couple handfuls, get brought into the kitchen. I started freezing them, I hull them, quarter them, lay them on a cookie sheet and freeze them, the next day I pack them away in freezer bags. I have been doing this, so that I can make some strawberry jam. Our youngest son, Simon, kept asking me to make  strawberry smoothies. So for after school snack, I made some.


Strawberry Smoothie

2 cups frozen strawberry halves
2 cups milk ( I use skim)
1/4 cup icing sugar ( honey may be used)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Put everything into a blend.
Blend until smooth.
Serve & enjoy

Have a fantastic weekend friends, xo Diana


  1. Andamos novamente em sintonia. Desta vez, pela cor. E pelo teu comentário no meu post, também na forma de educarmos os nossos filhos, sem ligarmos àquilo que é considerado "normal". Gosto destas cumplicidades. É bom saber que há mais pessoas como nós. Um beijinho e bom fim-de-semana.

  2. What a wonderful strawberry milkshake! A delicious way to start the day! Or to end it!


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