A Visitor

 "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ' What! You too? I thought I was the only one." C.S.Lewis

This afternoon I had a visitor, drop in. She came bearing gifts and all. Fresh figs and some delicious coconut muffins. You see my visitor, is someone I have talked to, now for several months, but we had never met in person (or so we thought, but that is a whole other story ) She is my friend Ilídia, she also has a blog, well actually two blogsI visit her blogs daily, the first one,  her own personal space, the second a blog she shares with a group of amazing ladies. It was lovely to give her a great big hug, and chat at my kitchen table. I even met her beautiful son, who sadly was feeling a little under the weather. The most amazing thing we discovered, well  actually two amazing things, is that our paths had crossed many, many years ago, and that we are actually considered "neighbours" seeing as we only live a couple of minutes away from each other !!! It truly is a small world. Thank -you Ilídia for stopping in today, I hope it will be the first of many more visits :)



  1. Também espero que esta seja o primeiro de muitos encontros. Há de ser. E pareceu que já nos conhecíamos tão bem, não foi? Da próxima vez, temos que ficar mais tempo à conversa. Amanhã também quero escrever um texto sobre hoje para pôr no meu blogue, mas acabei de chegar da urgência com o Manel (que, felizmente, já está a melhorar :) Beijos, vizinha :)

  2. Hello Diana
    Como me apercebo que fala português opto pela minha lingua pátria :)
    Foi bom conhecer este blog através da Ilídia, espero que este vosso encontro traga novos frutos
    Gostei da citação de C S Lewis
    Uma sugestão: Que tal fazer o blog bilingue?

  3. It's very nice when we meet other bloggers :)

    I found your blog through Elvira's Bistrot, I am also a blogger from Terceira, actually I have 2 blogs: the first one with fatning things, and a second one for diets :D

    You have great recipes here, keep up the good work :)

  4. Mané obrigada pelo a visita, e claro eu falo inglês e portugues, por vezes tenho vontade de escrever na lingua de Camões, mas tenho receio de fazer algums erros.

    Manuela- I have been to your blog, já passei por lá varias vezes, encontro lá sempre coisas deliciosas, obrigado pelo a visita :)

    Ilídia, um beijo e abraço, e claro que vamos nos encontrar muitas vezes agora :)

  5. and she is also related to us, through our avô candido.

  6. obrigada querido Jobé !!!! tinhamos algumas duvidas !!!!


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