Cottage Pie

There is a crispness in the air, autumn is finally here. I have to confess, it is probably my favorite season, with it comes sweaters, scarfs, hats, warm drinks and comfort food.  Something about this time of year, that at the end of the day, you want to eat something warm, and filling. Cottage pie is exactly that, also known as Shepherds Pie, if made with minced lamb. It´s quick to put together, and very versatile, as you can add other vegetables. The mash for the topping I made from scratch, but you could use instant mash potatoes, if you like. Hope you give it a try.

a bag of veggies,6 potatoes, 1 packet onion soup mix, 1 kilo ground lean beef ( not seen, bag of shredded cheese)
first start with the mash, dice potatoes
and boil in salted water
drain, add butter and milk
and mash them up
next, brown the meat in some olive oil and garlic if you wish
add the onion soup mix, the veggies, and the milk, return to heat, and cook till thickened
turn meat mixture into a buttered dish ( add a layer of shredded cheese~ sorry no photo )
cover with the mashed potatoes and bake in 180º/350 oven for about 30 mins.
I could not resist, and made a small ramekin one
and here is the little one......the cook's treat  ;)


Meat Mixture

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 kilo lean ground beef
2 garlic cloves, minced (optional)
1 package Onion Soup Mix
3 cups frozen mixed vegetables ( 500 gr. bag )
2 cups milk
 spices to your liking 

I bag of shredded cheese ( modelo 3 cheeses)

Potato Topping

6 medium potatoes, peeled
1/4 cup milk, warmed
1 tablespoon butter


 Peel & boil the potatoes til soft, then drain.
 Mash the potatoes, add the 1/4 cup warmed milk and 1 Tblsp. butter.
In a large skillet, brown the ground beef in the cooking oil, adding the minced garlic after the meat is mostly browned. Drain excess fat.
 Add the soup mix, frozen veg, 2 cups milk,  (season to taste).
Bring it all to a boil, then lower heat & simmer for 5 minutes.
Turn the meat mixture into a 9x13 baking pan which has been lightly greased or sprayed with Pam.
Sprinkle with the shredded cheese.
  Spread the potatoes over the meat filling to cover completely.
 Bake at 180º/ 350 degrees F for 30 minutes.

xo, Diana


  1. This is also my favourite season of the year, because of the weather (not cold or warm), the fruits and veggies, the clothes, the rain and the fireplace!!!
    This pie is just wonderfull and smells Autumn everywhere...
    I love the litle ramequin one!


  2. Diana, o teu empadão ficou de gritos! Adoro e só não faço mais vezes, porque os meu homens embirraram com puré de batata,lol. Para a próxima convida-me para jantar!


  3. Costumo fazer um empadão parecido que encontrei num livro americano - com o nome de Shepherd's Pie. É muito bom!

    Adorei a mini-pie! Muito bonita! :)


  4. Bonito empadão!
    É uma receita muito rápida e prática para o dia a dia :)
    Adorei a miniatura.
    Tenho de comprar uns ramequins!


  5. obrigada amigas =)
    Os ramekins, adorei, comprei no guarita :)

    Elvira, este tambem se for feito com carne moida de ovelha, se chama shepherds pie :)

    Jinhos Diana


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