
"theres no tragedy in life like the death of a child.Things never get back to the way they were." D. Eisenhower

I could not sleep last night, I had a song stuck in my head, that kept playing over and over. As a mother my heart is heavy, our little island yesterday, woke up to some very sad news. A young boy had died, at the tender age of 13, suicide. Sweet child, what would lead you to such a decision. I know this child's mother, our pathes have crossed over the years. My husband worked with her for sometime years ago. I have hugged this mother once before, to comfort her, as she cried over the loss of a baby, somthing I knew all to well.  For months all we did was cry everytime we saw each other while we hugged. This time, I ache for her, as if somehow, I know that all the hugs in the world, will never mend her together, ever again. I pray , with time, she will, mend.  As I helped my children into their beds last night, with our usually hugs and kisses, I held them alot longer, hugged them alot tighter.


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