Culinary Adventures

"Do one thing every day that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt

Since moving to this wonderful little island, 14 years ago, I have hosted a Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner, every year. This year was no different, I went and bought everything I needed, got all my and our guests favorite recipes organized, picked out my linens, and tablewear. Had the children, do a place card craft, for everyones names. Like I said everything according to plan, except this year one day before, the big dinner, I had the brilliant but oh so very scary and last minute, what the heck was I thinking idea, to cook the gigantic 22 pound turkey in the brick oven !!!!!!  What ??? Who does that, decide to try something new last minute, knowing perfectly well, that if it all goes wrong, your guests  will be eating cereal instead of turkey. Well, with the help of  my wonderful Mr.G, and the fear of  failure God instilled in me, we set out on the adventure. Heating the oven is no biggy, we have got that down pat, now timing, that is a whole other ball game,  lunch had been set for 2 pm, and the turkey did not go into the oven till almost noon, due to some technical very gusty winds, damp logs,and a raintstorm problems. Now I have never been great at math, but that means, we had two hours to  pray,and cross our fingers, cook this bird. Well I am not ashamed to say that lunch was only delayed by only 1/2 an hour, that my friends is pretty awesome, if I do say so my self. The best part, was all the ooohs and ahhhhs, and of course the mmmmmmmm oh my gosh this is so good ! I have cooked many turkeys, over the years, this one was hands down the best one ever. It was juicy and so flavorful, it had a fanastic smokey flavor. The best part is I am not scared to do it again, now that I have tried it. Christmas is only a few weeks away scary but true, I see another turkey in the brick oven, for that dinner too.




    Beijinhos e boa semana!!

  2. Estás de parabéns! Eu sou uma medricas nestas situações! Beijo e melhoras para o teu marido.

  3. Que aventura amiga! Eu tenho o defeito de não gostar de fazer experiências em grandes jantares, por isso, nada de coisas feitas pela primeira vez. tem de ser tudo testadíssimo. It is too scary!
    Ficou tudo tão bonito! Agora só falta partilhares as receitas das iguarias!


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