For the birds

This year, I asked Santa, for one thing, a new camera. I must have been a good girl , because that is exactly what was left under the tree, for me. I could, tell you, that I wanted a new camera, so that I could take better pictures of the food, for the blog, but I would be lying. You see I really wanted one so that I could take pictures, of all the wonderful, birds that visit our garden, all year long. Today I got real lucky, when I caught this little guy, a European Robin, drinking in our old stone troughs. This little guy is one of my favorites, I love the melody he sings, and they also have alot of attitude, and never seem to stop in one place for long.  So my dear friends, this blog, is also about birds now ;) I have alot to learn about my new camera, I hope my dear friend Miguel, will be willing to give me some pointers, and maybe one day I can be as good as him.


  1. Que lindos passarinhos :) Também ando a fotografar o jardim. Mas eu é mais flores :)
    Boas fotografias, my dear friend:)
    Beijos e, mais uma vez, feliz 2012.


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