All hearts Go Home For Christmas....

As a little girl growing up in Canada, I always got the sense that Christmas time was very difficult for my mom. It would be many years before, I fully understood why, you see my mom, left her whole family, in Porto Martins, to move to Canada with my dad. They left three weeks after they were married, my father's family was already in Canada when they moved there, my mom however, at the age of twenty, was leaving her parents, brothers and sister behind.  Now Christmas is not an easy time of the year, I can speak for myself, I feel somewhat "bi-polar", excited for my kids, baking, getting things prepared, planning out the meals, but there is always something missing, my family. You see I too left, my parents, my sisters, my brother, to move here, and live in Porto Martins, the place my mom and dad left, so many years before. When I remember, my mom, busily preparing for Christmas, as I do now, I always remember, her stopping in her tracks, when we played one particular Christmas song, on our very old record player, and crying. Life would have it, that now, I too get stopped in my tracks, everytime I hear that very same song, and can't help but cry, because I now fully understand, why she was always quietly moved to tears....she was missing her family...just as I am missing mine. So like the song says..... "I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams"



  1. Vim deixar-te um beijinho especial e desejar-te (junto dos teus) um FELIZ E SANTO NATAL!!

  2. Wow, how ironic that you left Canada and came to the same town your mom left, for Canada! Merry Christmas; it's hard to be away from parents at Christmas but at least we are making new memories for our kids. :) Do you ever visit Canada?


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