Caprese Panini

Last night I had a dream, I dreamed I was eating this sandwich ! Yes I know, who the heck dreams about You see, it never fails, if I watch any of the food channels, before going to bed...I am doomed to go to bed starving, and then dream about food. So today for lunch, this sandwich had to happen. Very easy to put together, just be sure to use some really good bread.

Caprese Panini

2 slices of good bread
slices of fresh mozzarela
basil leaves
sun-dried tomatoes (or fresh tomatoes)
balsamic vinegar
olive oil

On top of one of the slices of bread, layer, mozzarela, tomatoes, basil, and add some more mozzarela.
Drizzle with some balsamic vinegar.
Top with the other slice of bread.
Drizzle with olive oil, and rub in, repeat on other side.
Place on a hot grill/frying pan/panini maker/.
Cook for about 3-4 minutes, or just till cheese starts to melt.

xo, Diana


  1. Tem um aspecto delicioso !

  2. Adorei o produto final. Tentador. Agora vou ter de fazer também. Comigo, acontece o mesmo. Não posso ver o food channels antes de dormir. O estômago começa logo a fazer barulhos;)
    Estes canais abrem o apetite a qualquer hora do dia.
    Um beijinho.

  3. This looks SO good! Do you grow your own basil or buy it? It's easier to find it here now than it was when I first got here, it seems. Now I see it at Modelo's and the Organic farm. I want to make this! No panini press, but I could do it anyway.


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