A Teenager

I can hardly believe it,  13, seems like only yesterday you were a little baby. You a newborn, and I a new mom,  by far one of the happiest days of my life. You were born, an old soul, quiet, smart, shy, and oh so funny. I am blessed to be your mother. I love you very much, for ever and ever, from here to the moon and back.

xo, Diana


  1. Weeha!

    Happy Birthday T!

    I remember that day, how happy we were to be able to be there with you to share in the joy of his birth; and weren't you kind to wait until we got over there to have that little one so I could share in the joy of pregnancy with you; even if it were only for one night!

    blessings to you all

    T: have a great birthday; I know your mom will make it so!

    Love you all

  2. Muitos parabéns para o Tomás e para vocês, papás. Desejo-lhe uma vida linda, com tudo o que ele desejar. Beijos


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