
The days on the island, are finally cooler. We have already changed the hands on our clocks as well,  so the days now, are shorter. What is it about this weather, that just makes you want to crawl under a blanket, and hibernate there for 100 years.  During autumn, our days, here at home, are quiet and slow, I welcome them. Because darkness comes so quickly now, everyone is in the house by 6pm. That means pyjamas come on alot earlier, and if it is really cold out, the wood burning stove gets lit, and instantly there is warmth in the family room. This weekend, I am looking forward to hibernating, by the fire, with a great book, snug as a bug under a warm blanket until atleast.......Monday. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.



  1. Também adoro estes dias de recolhimento. Já tinha saudades do frio e de tudo o que vem com ele e que tu tão bem descreves. Um ótimo fim de semana de cocooning. Beijos


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