Gourmet Shop

I am over the moon, about the opening of a gourmet shop in the city. This morning after getting my kiddos to school, I headed into Praia da Vitoria, to visit  Sabores do Chef Gourmet. I felt like a kid in a candy store. The shop is  lovely, with so many wonderful products, mind you they just opened, and are still awaiting the arrival of more goodies. The shelves are stocked with  sauces,  patés, various types of sea salt, packages of pasta, bags of different mixes and many teas. There is a huge selection of crackers, jams and cheese.  If chocolate is your weakness, there are various kinds to choose from, and of course bottles of bubbly and wine to wash it down with. When you finish your shopping, there is a wonderful sandwich menu to choose from, and of course some delicous baked goods, from cupcakes, to tartlettes, or you could always just sit and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or coffee in this charming new shop. The only thing I can do now is wish Paulo the owner  much luck and success, and pray that I have been a good girl and not on the naughty list , so that Santa will bring me lots of gourmet goodies for Christmas.

located inside the Forum


  1. Que maravilha! Tenho de ir mexericar essa loja :)

  2. Concordo com a Manuela. Tenho que ir mexericar :) Gosto do restaurante. Se a loja tiver o mesmo nível, perfeito! Beijos

  3. oh my - a new place to put on the list of 'have to get there' places!
    miss you

  4. No way! Thanks so much for posting this; I had no idea! I will have to go soon! Is it by the restaurant?


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