All Saints Day

For as long, as I have known my husband, Mr G. almost 20 years now, he has always spoken of one childhood food memory fondly. It is of his maternal grandmother, baking bread in her brick oven, and then afterwards, roasting pumpkin seeds in the oven, so as not to waste any of the ovens heat. He describes these baking days so vividly, and always comments, on how there is nothing better than warm fresh baked bread and roasted pumpkin seeds. As with any memory, it also has alot to do with the love he has for his grandmother, who has since passed. Today, is a religious holiday, on the island, All Saints Day, everyone is home from work and  school.  I decided to roast the pumpkin seeds from our jacko-lanterns, and bake some bread, for my hubby and in memory of his wonderful grandmother. The fact that outside, there is an Atlantic storm brewing, made it the perfect baking day. The kitchen is now warm and toasty, and  the smell of warm bread and pumpkin seeds linger in the air. Perhaps in years to come, these baking days, will be fond memories, for our children.

*I will post the recipes over the next couple of days

xo, Diana 


  1. Olá, minha querida. Que rica forma de mimares o teu marido. Recriar as memórias do que ele viveu com a avó. Neste dia também me lembro sempre muito da minha. E, por coincidência, também falo dela no meu blogue. Daqui a uns anos, serão os nossos filhos a recordar a infância. Por isso cabe-nos proporcionar-lhes vivências boas, que mereçam ser recordadas. Um beijo e bom feriado para os cinco.

  2. Happy All-Saints Day! That bread looks delicious- very impressive.

  3. A minha mãe costuma assar muitas vezes pevides no forno e a minha avó também assava no forno de lenha. Se não me engano são temperadas com massa de malagueta, alho picado e um pouco de vinagre.

    O teu pão está lindo :)

    É bom continuar essas tradições perdidas.



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