Zucchini Soup

This soup is oh so very creamy, you would think it was made with lots of cream. It isn't, it's not even made with any potatoes. Gasp, it´s a healthy soup, okay, okay, there is some butter, but you can use olive oil instead. I make this alot for Mr. G, he is the health conscious one in our house, however, I must admit, this is a very yummy. Being the rebel, that I am, I like to add a dollop of crème fraîche (don't judge me) when serving, well , in my bowl anyway ! Try to use smaller, younger zucchini, the skin is tender. If you use older, larger zucchini, the peel will have a bitter aftertaste, peel the zucchini for a sweeter soup. Without the peel, there will be no little green flecks, in the soup.

Zucchini Soup

6 tablespoons butter or olive oil
1 white onion, sliced
2 garlic cloves minced
4 medium zucchini, sliced (remove the peel if you wish)
4 cups chicken broth (4 cups water + 1 cube of chicken maggi)
Salt and pepper
Melt the butter in a pot over medium heat. When it's melted, add the sliced onions and cook on medium-low heat for about 10 minutes, or until the onion is soft and translucent. Add in the minced garlic. Keep the heat low enough that the garlic doesn't brown.
When the onions are soft, add the zucchini and cook until soft. Add the broth and bring to a simmer. Simmer at a low heat for about 45 minutes.
Let cool slightly, then blend with an immersion blender until creamy.
Taste salt and pepper.  Serve hot or cold.
Serve with some creme fraiche, if you wish :)

xo, Diana


  1. Que delícia. Adoro courgette e esta sopinha ficou decerto muito boa. bjs


  2. Ops... ia perguntar o que era essa coisa do zucchini..... mas já percebi que é courgette. Obrigada Ana.... heheheh

  3. hey my friend: I nominated you for an award:


    talk to you soon!

  4. Looks so good. But where do you find crème fraîche on the island?! I would love to buy some! By the way, I tried the Kilom turkey sausages and loved them. If I had not asked you, I would not know where they were in Modelo's! Thanks.

    1. The creme fraiche, you can buy it, in the Modelo, in Angra, I have never found it in Praia, it's in the dairy case, usually by the greek yogurt !..Yeah glad you love the turkey sausage :)

  5. Olá Diana. Tenho andado desaparecida aqui deste cantinho. Chego aqui e vejo que fizeste mudanças na casa. Adorei este novo formato.
    Quanto à sopa, faço cá em casa muitas vezes uso de courgette. Fica uma sopa muito saborosa. Não costumo colocar o crème fraiche porque a criançada não aprecia, mas eu adoro.
    Espero que esteja tudo bem contigo e com a família.
    Um abraço.


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