A Lesson in Faith

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men. ~St. Francis of Assisi I am sad and angry, our beautiful dog was hit by a driver yesterday, and left to die on the road. I do not know how someone, could hit an animal, and not even stop to knock on our door, and let us know. We are the only house on the street, it's not like they had to pick and choose who she might belong to. I cannot understand how someone could have such disregard for a life. This poor animal, literally found us, about 3 weeks ago, she was a stray, who was hungry, thirsty and dirty. We fed her, gave her water, and most of all gave her her love. I like to think that the short time she did spend with us, she knew she had a family that would take care of her. I suppose what I struggled most with was having to tell our children , what had happened and why their four legged friend was not waiti...