Ham and Cheese Sliders

Ohhhhhhhhh Man, these are trouble ;)

I have seen this recipe pop up all over the net, the first time I saw it was here, I saved it right away, so that I could try it out, on my family. Well, I made them last night, dinner was a little blaaah, yes that does happen around here ! Well they were a big hit, so nummy yes that is a word, somewhere, one of those little gems you can put together quickly, for watching a soccer game on TV, or perhaps for a night of poker, even a birthday party. The only thing you may decide to leave out, are in fact the poppy seeds, my kids don´t really care for them, as my son say's : "all they do is get stuck in your teeth mom". He may indeed have a point, there. Next time I make these, I will buy a cheese that melts is ooey gooey better, perhaps, havartti, or even mozzarella. The mustard sauce, is really good, I have some plans already for it, perhaps on ribs or a burger. So you see, you have got to make these, it's the weekend, invite some friends over and give them a try.

ham slices, cheese slices, mini buns ( from GUARITA supermarket)

butter, yellow mustard, brown sugar, poppy seeds, Worcestershire sauce, and onion powder

make your little sandwiches, and place them in a baking dish

in a small sauce pan, add your ingredients for the sauce

heat till everything is melted

pour sauce over the sandwiches

cover with foil, and bake 20-30 minutes

Ham and Cheese Sliders

thinly sliced ham (enough for your bread)
sliced cheese, a good melting variety (enough for your bread)
24 mini dinner rolls ( I only made 12)

1/3 of a cup of brown sugar
1/2 a cup of butter
2 tablespoon yellow mustard
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon poppy seeds

1. Make the sandwiches, with the ham and cheese, and place in a baking dish
2. In a small saucepan, bring to a low boil, the sauce ingredients.
3. Pour the sauce over the top of the sandwiches.
4. Cover with foil, and bake @ 180/350 for about 20- 30 minutes.

xo, Diana


  1. oh YES! these are definitely going on the menu!
    thanks for sharing

  2. Diana, tu arranjas cada coisa mais deliciosa, mulher. Vou experimentar um dia destes.
    Beijos e bom fim de semana.


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