Christmas back in the box....

If your house is anything, like ours, you have probably already put all your Christmas things away, back into the boxes. I have been dragging my feet about this, I hate when Christmas is over, I get sad, I suppose blue. Of our two Christmas trees, I have taken one down, the other is still waiting, I still turn on it's little white lights, and love how it sends a warm glow, into the family room. I have often wondered, how long I could possibly leave one of the trees up, without anyone thinking I was crazy. I do however have a couple of Christmas "decorations", I keep out all year long, because I love them so. I have a large, blown glass, snowman, my wonderful Mr.G. gave me the first year we were married, a small quilted, christmas tree, a christmas snowman tealight holder, and a holly wreath, that are always out, spread out about the house, but my most favorite piece, is a musical box, of sorts. It is a winter scene, a pond, with a boy who skates, when you wind it up, there is a Christmas tree, a sleigh with gifts, some carollers, and some tiny little birdies. When you wind it up, it plays " have yourself a merry little christmas". The first year I got it, almost 10 years ago now, it came out of it's box for Christmas, and has stayed out ever since. I love that I can play it's music, anytime I want during the year. Every once and a while, I will hear it's melody, and know one of my children, has stopped to wind it up and have a listen, and watch as the little boy skates around the pond. I suppose what I love about it most, is that it looks "peaceful", and isn't that what Christmas is about, peace, and goodwill. When all is said and done, when the time comes to "box up" Christmas, I always feel like the magic, gets boxed up as well.  But like the quote says, we should try to honor it all year long.
"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year". by Charles Dickens

I still have alot of Christmas candy, so I decided to bake some cookies this afternoon, with the red and green m&m's. I used this tried and tested recipe.

xo, Diana


  1. Também sou muito natalícia :) E, tal como tu, também sofro no dia de desfazer a árvore. Este ano, porém, até foi fácil. Talvez o tempo tenha ajudado :)
    No outro dia, um colega contou-me que foi a casa passar o natal e não desfez a árvore antes de se vir embora. Diz que só voltou a casa em agosto e ainda havia árvore :) Apesar de eu adorar o natal, deve ser um bocado estranho olhar para a árvore em agosto, não ?:)
    No entanto, pequenos apontamentos como os que tens parecem-me muito bem.São uma belíssima forma de não termos de nos despedir do natal.
    P.s.: As bolachas estão lindas. E muito natalícias :)

  2. Bem, já dá saudades do natal!
    Tenho que experimentar estas bolachinhas!
    Adorei este espaço virtual recomendado pela D.Lídia!
    Estou a seguir e espero continuar a desfrutar.


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