Remember the first day of school ???

Do you remember, when you were a little kid, that feeling you got, when school know, that knot in your tummy. Not sure what your teacher was going to be like, or if you would make any friends ??? Well thats a bit how I feel starting this blog. I am bit nervous, but I suppose anything new is a little bit scary. Seriously, this little blog of mine, was started last year, but I just never posted anything. I do however post alot on my facebook page, so if I start posting on here instead of there, this should all come together nicely.....I hope :)

If this were the first day of school, the teacher would eventually get to me, and ask me to stand up and introduce my here goes........ Hello, my name is Diana, and this is my blog and I hope that you and I are going to be friends :)



  1. woohoo! am so glad you are here - can't wait to see what is going to happen here!

  2. This is great!!!! Good on you for doing it, we'll be watching :)


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