The Book of Love....

Happy Valentine's Day friends :)

This morning, I overheard, someone comment, how she thought Valentine's Day was over rated and not necessary, because her husband all ready said how much he loved her everyday. I thought to myself, then what's wrong with hearing it one more time , on a special day. I think people don't show they care enough, and if it takes one day a year to show how they feel, then what's wrong with that. Remember when we were kids, and we gave out valentine cards, to all of our friends at school, and how special you felt when you recieved cards back. What is wrong with making people feel special, even if only with the smallest gesture. I made blueberry waffles this morning, for mr. G and I, and for the kids and friends I baked Red Velvet cupcakes. It just took a little time, and alot of sugar to make something for the people I care about, I don´t see that as a bad thing. I am all for having Valentine's Day once a month, if that's what it takes for people to be sweeter and loving to each other. Friends how ever, and with whom ever you you spend Valentine's Day with, I hope you enjoy it :)


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