Scones for a Royal Wedding.....

I was 8 years old, when  Diana Spencer, married Prince Charles. I remember waking up real early to watch the event on TV. Today 30 years later, her son , Prince William married the lovely Kate Middleton. They are stunning together, and hopefully they will live happily ever after. I thought it fitting to celebrate, with tea and scones. These scones come together wonderfully, they seem very scary when you first put them together, the dough seems very wet. With a little gentle kneading , the dough becomes nice and firm.

I used my English Red Transferware Teapot and Sugar Bowl and Milk jug (I love Ebay)

serve with jam and whip cream, ours was homemade plum jam

2 cups flour
3 Tablespoons sugar
5 teaspoons baking powder
pinch of salt
1/3 cup very cold butter (cubed)
1 cup milk

Sift flour, salt and sugar and baking powder into medium bowl; rub in butter with fingertips.

Make a well in centre of ingredients, add  all the milk at once. Using a fork, mix the milk through the flour mixture to mix to a soft, sticky dough.

  Turn dough from bowl onto lightly floured surface.
 Knead lightly until smooth. Press dough out gently and evenly to approximately 2cm thickness. Don't use too much flour.....just enough so it does not stick

Dip 5cm cutter into flour, cut as many rounds as you can from the piece of dough.

Place scones side by side,  in lightly greased 20cm baking sheet. Gently knead dough into round shape again; the scones from the second handling will not be quite as light as those from the first.

When patting the dough out, leave it a little thicker than the first time. Sprinkle with a little flour. Bake in a very hot oven( 375º/190º) for about 10 to 15 minutes, or until tops are browned and scones sound hollow when tapped with fingertips.

**a great way to cut in the butter , is to shred it first on a cheese grater!


  1. Diana, os teus scones ficaram lindos. Faço várias vezes, mas os meus nunca ficaram com um aspeto tão fofo. Acho que da próxima vou experimentar os teus. O teu serviço de chá é lindo (Very british!) - também adoro o ebay! A minha máquina de pasta veio de lá! Em relação ao casamento, só espero que eles sejam mais felizes do que os pais dele. Penso que esta é uma história diferente. Nesta, parece haver amor, ao contrário da dos pais.
    Estou a adorar o teu blogue.

  2. Parabéns pelos scones, pelo descritivo fotográfico e pela apresentação final com o arranjo da mesa. Ficaram mesmo fofinhos.
    Não passa um dia que não visite o teu blog.Acho-o muito interessante e admiro o gosto e dedicação com que escreves os teus textos e preparas as receitas.

  3. Y O U A R E K I L L I N G M E!!
    Seriously, the next time you see me I will weigh the same as an elephant (a very happy elephant, but an elephant just the same)
    My family wants to move in with you - especially my husband, he thinks you should open a restaurant!
    Love you and miss you

  4. great blog! gonna make these tomorrow as i'm craving! any recipes for clotted cream? ;-)


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