Easter Sugar Cookies

3 cups all purpose flour 
1 teaspoon baking powder 
1 cup unsalted, cool room temperature 
1 cup granulated sugar 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
2 teaspoon vanilla extract  ( almond, or any other flavour)
1 large egg

Thoroughly stir together the flour and baking powder; set aside.
Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in the salt and extract. Scrape sides of bowl and beat in egg, beating only until egg is blended in.
Add the flour mixture gradually (1 cup at a time) and stir until incorporated
Preheat oven to  180C/ 350 degrees F. 
Roll the dough onto a lightly floured surface to approximately 5/8″ thick. 
Cut the cookies into shapes and place the cut cookie shape on a parchment lined cookie sheet.
Bake the cookies for approximately 10 minutes or until the edges begin to turn golden brown in color. 
Remove cookies from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes.

Yield will vary depending on how big you make the cookies. Enjoy :)


  1. These cookies are SO cute (and the children too of course)!


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