Again Today......

 Today.........12 years my world crumbled around me....feels like yesterday. The smells..the sounds...the pain...the questions.. so many questions.....the doubt...the much guilt! It all comes big giant waves.....waves that I just can't seem to catch.  I just have to let them crash around me...for the next couple of days...can´t resist them or fight them ! Eventually they will calm down...and I will still be here...


  1. Ó minha querida,

    Tens contigo a maior dor do mundo. E saber que a tua Emma teria hoje a idade do meu Tomás. Acredito no reencontro, e espero que tu também. Só se sabe o que custa quando se passa por isso e eu espero nunca ter de sentir essa amarga realidade. Tudo de bom para ti, pois tu mereces.

    Um beijo.



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