Happy 7th Birthday Simon

When did you get so big Simon ? Seven already....you have been a real joy my child. I have often thought that you came along, at a time when I was ready, to be a mommy again. I was stronger, and more confident, and believed that once again, I could do this. Another chance, a precious gift, like Tomas, and Emma, and Sara. You are so funny, so stubborn, so smart, so bossy....what´s not to love. You are also very kind, and always know the sweetest things to say, at the right time. Let´s be very honest here, you are my youngest, my baby.  
I'll love you forever.... I'll like you for always... As long as I'm living... My baby you'll be...

Happy Birthday Simon !

xo, Mommy


  1. Minha querida, desculpa-me o atraso, mas esta semana o tempo já tem sido pouco. Muitos, muitos parabéns ao Simão e a vocês, papás. Desejo-lhe uma vida longa e muito feliz.
    Beijos da prima :)


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