Life is too short...

I know we say that alot "life is too short", but do we really believe it, do we really try to live our best life. Over the weekend, I found out a family friend, is very ill, so ill in fact,the doctor's believe, our friend may only live another 2-3 months. How's that for short, makes you stop and think, doesn't it. I have often heard, of people who have a bucket list, where they list off things, they want to do before they die. Try as I might, my list always comes up very short. That may come down to me being , perhaps , dare I say it boring. Sure there are things I would like to do, but it's kind of what I tell my kids, put your needs before your wants. When it comes down to, it, I am happy with where and what I am doing, plain and simple (see boring ;). I love where I live, I love being a wife and a mother. I love my friends and family, and I believe I show them, in how I take care of them. If I could change anything, it would be the people, who bring drama, ...