Hiraeth (hi-raeth)

Hiraeth: (n) Welsh - A deep, wistful, nostalgic sense of longing for a home; a home that is no longer or perhaps never was. A yearning and wistful grief for people and things long gone. Hiraeth ... this Welsh word, for some odd reason has stuck with me for quite some time. It has been saved on my phone, and on my laptop countless times. I think it reminds me of the portuguese word Saudade . The first time I came across this word and read it´s meaning, it stopped me in my tracks...I instantly thought of my maternal grandparents house, here in the Azores. It's the place I am most nostalgic about and find myself missing. From as early as the age of one, it´s where all of my childhood vacations took place, where I met my grandfather and grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins who instantly became childhood friends. A magical little house by the sea, where I was fortunate enough to spend Christmas, Easter, and summers more than once. There were trips we sp...