Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common... Celebrate it every day. - Sir Winston Churchill I am Canadian by birth, but I was born to portuguese parents, who left the little island of Terceira in the early 70's. They moved to Canada like so many others before them, with very little belongings, a suitcase or two, some money, and some keepsakes, not very many things. What they did take along with them, in limitless amounts, was memories, stories, and tradtions. The first house I remember living in, not the one I was actually born in though, was in Toronto. We shared it with my paternal grandparents, who had immigrated to the USA, then joined us in Canada. I lived in Toronto, for about 6 years, on the outside our house was a suburban, canadian house, just like any other on Robinson Street, but inside, we were raised portuguese,...